
Lionhead rabbits are the newest breed of bunnies out there, and it has been a long time since we have seen a new breed. Lionhead rabbits first appeared in Belgium in the 1990's. They were a mix of the Swiss Fox and Belgian Dwarf. The breeding created a genetic mutaion that is the mane gene. After that, they mixed in some Jersey Woolly. No wonder they are so cute. The mane gene, which gives Lionheads their distinctive Lionhead look and thus their name, is a dominant gene, so it only requires one parent to have it to get bunnies with it. Lionhead rabbits are so interesting with their different manes and variety of colors. One of the best things about breeding Lionhead rabbits is, when getting a young Lionhead, you won't know what your pet will look like until it grows up! There is no absolute certainty that it will keep its mane. The mane may molt and disappear for good or it may grow back even fuller than it was before. They have only been in the United States since 1999, when they were introduced by Joann Statler. In February 2002 Lionhead rabbits were first recognized in the erect ear version by the British rabbit council.

hybrid rabbits
Ideal weight: 2.2Kg


1.    Gender: Female

2.    Age: almost 3

3.    Weight: 2.8 kg

4.    Food: Dry weeds, feed, carrots, papaya tablets (to egest those swallowed fur).

5.    Sweets: sugar, bread, cookies… (You know, girls…)

6.    Personality: nervous and lazy all day, always battens and getting fat every day.

7.     Special Behaviors:

(1)  Loves to poo in my bathroom rather than her own potty.

(2)  Loves to be in dark or narrow places, which keep her hidden.

(3)  Loves to stare at people with only one eye.

(4)  Usually silent, but used to scream for only one time.

(5)  Loves to be caressed very much.

(6) Chews a lot when she is happy and feels comfortable.

(7)  Never sleeps.

(8) Sometimes, she farts……

(9) Stamps a lot when Master Cheng Yen is talking on TV.


今天的Speaking, 我把主題設定在介紹自己的寵物

Edward養了mouse, 應該是天竺鼠或三線鼠之類, 問他為什麼想養這個而不是養別的, 他說是前女友留下的
Keene養了鸚鵡, 問他為什麼想養這個而不是養別的, 他也說是前女友留下的
太心酸了吧大家! XD
結果想想好像最心酸的是我, 因為我養的是男友的前女友留下來的阿兔....

此外, Elva給大家玩心理測驗, 最後一個水果測驗........令人印象很深刻喔!
她說: 如果桌上有一盤水果, 請問...你會覺得那是什麼水果?
(1) 蘋果  (2) 香蕉  (3) 芭樂   (4) 橘子

選好了嗎? 答案揭曉囉!!
選擇(1)的你, 非常喜歡吃蘋果
選擇(2)的你, 非常喜歡吃香蕉 
選擇(3)的你, 非常喜歡吃芭樂
選擇(4)的你, 非常喜歡吃橘子


不過Keene說他超討厭蘋果的, 會選(1)純粹是因為夢靨太深
之前他曾胖到90公斤, 後來是靠著每天只吃蘋果的方式減肥+運動, 才瘦到現在這樣

(1) 大家都是好人, 幫前女友收爛攤子收得義無反顧~  (發)
(2) 原來很多人以前都曾經是胖胖
(3) 胖達的咖啡好奶...下次還是喝茶好!



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